Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What are the chances of that happening? 100%

Life can be pretty fucked up with many things being thrown at you constantly, some of which you don't always see until it's too late. Of those unforeseen events, some are spectacularly amazing and turn out to be exceptionally awesome and "just what the doctor ordered", if you will.

If you can't tell, I play Microsoft's XBox Live probably more than I should. On a chilly, extremely drunken Saturday night in mid-November, I get the urge to play Texas Hold'em. Playing with a friend, BH, we join a table and make idle chat-chit with the other Hold'em goers. Following a big pot, in a very inebriated state, a distasteful joke or seven is thrown about to which the table comes alive with laughter and good times. Now BH and I are no strangers to finding random friends online through games and a few of the people at the current table wish to form another table so we can converse more in a friendlier atmosphere with better table rules.

In this table, there is this voice I hear that is clearly not male, female if you will again. Come to find out, this is the single greatest chick of all fuckin' time. She can take anything said, breaks most all the stereotypes of female gamers, and is funny as balls. And I must have more.

Texas Hold'em quickly turned into a private UNO game, in which, XBox Live Vision Cameras are enabled. Seeing this amazing chick after "hanging out" with her for the previous few hours is amazing, she is the cutest thing ever. Not that that should matter, but let's be honest, when you're cute, you're cute.

The next day, BH and I nurse our amazing hangovers with more beer and Taco Bell, and set out to rape face in Gears of War 2. Content with our amount of bloodshed, we notice that said girl from the night before is online again. A few game changes later and an invite, and we are back playing poker. I was thankful to know that the night before was not a dream and that she really is as kick ass as before.

This goes on for a few more days of she and I playing more and more games together and this friendship grows into something bigger than XBL. Turns out, she is the best and easiest person ever to talk to about anything and everything. But more than that, she is just plain full of awesomeness and win. We've both been through some shit, enjoy the same everything, and enjoy talking to one another.

Turns out you can find someone so awesome anywhere, anytime. We agreed to meet for New Years and are going to have the greatest night evar. I can't wait to meet her, it will be epic win. So, as I said, what are the changes of meeting of one the greatest people evar through a game? 100% And they say video games are the devil....

1 comment:

The Outlander said...

she probably has a penis or something.