Monday, December 1, 2008

It's magical like brownies, but better

I had a moment of clarity today at lunch with some coworkers. As I was sitting there, eating my meatball sub (dubbed "The Spaceball"), I thought of a way to end America's crisis - all of them. Remember last post when I said I needed to invent something...oh yeah, it's coming.

So, with an energy crisis on our hands, car manufacturers are trying to come up with new ways to lower fuel consumption, better mpg, cut user costs, and save the world one car at a time. While I fully agree with saving me money, I think I might have a better way to do this than just using rechargeable batteries and fuel cells. Make cars run on POT.

Yeah, I know - fucking brilliant right?! Hear me out now, it's classic. You convert a car to run on either the fumes that are given off from the pot being burnt (not as good) or allow the heat from the burn to power the engine (good idea). With the good way, the bi-product of the burning is the awesome greatness of THC infused smoke. Sure, it won't be as much THC as from an original hit (your car will be flying!) but get every car running on pot and it's like getting 5 billion shotgun hits...all the time!

This, I believe, could solve many problems for our American economy. With a decrease in gasoline consumption, presumably down to zero at this point, America would become extremely less dependent on oil (for gas at least) and therefore would not spend billions on it. The government can now legalize this beautiful plant, tax it like they want (and they will) and make a profit from it. I also believe that people would be better off as well, as some could grow there own fuel supply! On top of the oil crisis, we have the war on hunger. With everyone sky high, food industries could be able to lower their prices which, in turn, will allow most everyone to afford food to eat. Gives me the munchies just thinking about it...

This also could help in the War Against Terrorism too. As statistics show, terrorism is mostly funded through drugs trades. With America supply most of the "fuel", importing drug industries may dry up, which could also lead to cutting off funding for terroristic activities.

Sure, America may in turn become an isolationist society, but that was our original plan back in the day when some old farts in wigs created the nation. Everyone was so bent on isolationism, which mostly worked, to America becoming this huge fucking ATM machine for the needy. I'm pretty sure America itself is needy and could use a little TLC from ol' Papa Dubbs. He's already fucked up enough, might as well say "Fuck it, let's all light up a doob! And while we're at it, let our cars run off of marijuana so that we can save money and be high all the time!"

Yeah...Pot cars could work. Pot cars and Cheetos cheese that doesn't stick to your fingers. I'm gonna be a fuckin' millionaire...

1 comment:

The Outlander said...

You'll be a millionaire and I'll be stuck in my house all day drinking wine, the latter of which is already true...