Monday, December 15, 2008

I hope you had the time of your life

There are just some days one feels like could be the day! Anywho, on with ye!

I really hope that on Monday morning, next Monday that is, I can honestly say that this weekend (the 19th-21st) was the best weekend of my life. I know I will have a regret after the weekend and its that I regret I won't get to do everything I wanted to do.

I have a extremely special and amazing individual coming to visit me and I CANNOT WAIT. I have been waiting for a while now (at least it seems like a while) and the time has finally arrived. Everyday I talk to her the anticipation grows much stronger and I get a way of all kinds of emotions and feelings. It will be the most amazing meeting of all time!

She and I talk and joke about the "Great Doorway meeting/competition of 2008". This is a little challenge conjured up between the two of us and it is a challenge that I will win. This challenge is one of many that will be carried out over the course of the weekend, and most likely the next few weeks. To state here for the record, I will be winning these challenges, and may indeed start a running tally of W's to L's just to see who the true champion is. Of course, Val thinks she will win, but I know better. :P I have been plotting and diagramming strategies, checking weather conditions, and performing trial runs of the doorway competition and is she ever in for a surprise.

But all that mumbo-jumbo aside, this is something that I have been looking forward to since it was first conceived (like babies, only with less semen). Val, you are wonderful no matter what you say. Now, let's crack open the fucking wine and get stupid already!!!

Currently Listening to:
Deftones - Passenger

1 comment:

The Outlander said...

I won all challenges. Do I get a cookie or something?