Friday, April 3, 2009

I've been trying to keep my mind occupied lately by doing different activities so as to avoid thinking about school in any way. It's becoming very ridiculous and I'm a little worried about this semesters outcome...definitely not Good Eats. Unfortunately, I've been in a constant boredom state for several days now where I can't seem to find anything fun and/or productive to do. I went out and sat on my balcony for 2 hours yesterday. Just sat there, listening to music, watching the rain fall down on the cars. Strangely, it was ever-so peaceful and very relaxing. It was a much needed break from the boring life I currently lead, and I didn't even have to go anywhere or spend money. Luckily, the government still lets rain be free.

I have also gotten back into a forgotten RPG game called "Eternal Sonata". It's a weird game based on composer Frederic Chopin's musical scores (it's based in Chopin's dream world). The game is filled with these imaginary characters and baddies that one must fight there way through to get to the final boss, in this case Chopin is his own boss, while they learn some important shit along the way. The story isn't terrible and the game play is that of any other RPG title so it's nothing breathtakingly new or original, other than the story I guess.

I've been playing Halo 3 a lot lately as well. Always a good and classic decision to play but it just gets old sometimes when I'm not playing with the usual team. Going solo into a team game with strangers is just horrifying sometimes. These people are just plain bad...some terrible even. Which sucks because it makes me loose interest in playing, which leaves me with nothing to do during the day => bored.

So really, I just need something to do. I make plans with people to go out, they fall through somehow and I'm back stuck at home. I just need something to break up the monotony.

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