Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hot Damn, it's been awhile

So, it's been a pretty long time since I've talk about anything here. It's been a rough couple of weeks/months and shit has been hectic.

Few things going on:
*I'm broke as balls, but working on finding another job
*I realized that I need to pay a little more attention in class, so there's that
*I stopped playing WoW in an effort to keep my attention more focused on school
*I got my tongue pierced

So, being broke pretty much blows big donkey balls as there's a lot of shit that I want to go and do but can't. This sucks because I have no real way to relieve stress and get my mind off of school when it gets to be too much.

Bringing me to paying more attention in school... It's gotten so fucking ridiculous and over-complicated for no reason. Damn Econ professor making shit so much harder than necessary...bastard. And, with being broke, I don't really have anything to help me get my mind off of school. To help pay better attention, I stopped playing WoW so I can get more shit done during the day, but in that, I started playing Diablo II again and have also gotten back into Halo/XBox Live.

And I got my tongue pierced on Monday. I've always wanted one and while walking home from class on Monday, I couldn't think of a reason why I wouldn't want one. Then I began thinking about why i hadn't gone and gotten one yet, so I decided that Monday was the day. I REALLY like it and am so very glad I got it done. It didn't hurt too bad, but I have been eating pudding for 2 days now, which is getting old. I had some crackers and cookies this morning; they seemed to go down easy, so more solid foods will be appearing in the future I think.

Well, I've once again run out of motivation for the day. This was nothing insightful but it wasn't meant to be so, whatever.

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