Sunday, November 30, 2008

Le Sigh......Fuckin' Mondays

I go back to work again tomorrow for my last month there at the company. Unfortunately, it doesn't get much better after I stop there as I have to go back to school again.

I haven't quite decided which one I like better, work or school. Sure, I hate work a lot, but it pays bills and when the day is over, it's over. In school, I don't have to wake up until noon and can choose to go or not go. The down side is that it gives me no income - in fact it uses my saved money - and there's all the homework and "studying". It's really a shitty situation at either place. I have many responsibilities at both places that require to be in specific locations at specific times, neither of which I want to do.

Guess I should start working on patenting something so i can be wealthy without working...

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