Saturday, November 29, 2008

Back for some action

I got back from the great (and boring) state of Virginia today. During my Thanksgiving stay in the big VA, I consumed A LOT of food, beer, and wine, watched a lot of football, and played a lot of games (board and card specifically).

The trip was really nice, got to see some of my family, including the infamous little brother who had the nastiest poop diaper EVER, but that's for another day. But, now I'm back in the house and ready to squash some fools and a few games.

I'm getting an early lead on my practice time before things get going because the good ol' Auburn Tigers are suckin' something aweful and I care not to watch them at this moment. C'mon guys, a least score a fucking touchdown.....

So, it appears Burnout Revenge is on the menu for tonight which is fine by me because it's been a while since I kicked Val's ass in something. Not because she's better, but because I was banned and on vacation.... Gonna be good to get back behind the ass kicking wheel.

On a side note, Val is going to come visit around New Years!! w00t for that and can't wait till then!

1 comment:

The Outlander said...

long as there's a record deal we'll always be friends.