Sunday, November 30, 2008

Full of Win

Beating Guitar Hero III with drums

VaDrum. Is. The. Best. Evar

Le Sigh......Fuckin' Mondays

I go back to work again tomorrow for my last month there at the company. Unfortunately, it doesn't get much better after I stop there as I have to go back to school again.

I haven't quite decided which one I like better, work or school. Sure, I hate work a lot, but it pays bills and when the day is over, it's over. In school, I don't have to wake up until noon and can choose to go or not go. The down side is that it gives me no income - in fact it uses my saved money - and there's all the homework and "studying". It's really a shitty situation at either place. I have many responsibilities at both places that require to be in specific locations at specific times, neither of which I want to do.

Guess I should start working on patenting something so i can be wealthy without working...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Back for some action

I got back from the great (and boring) state of Virginia today. During my Thanksgiving stay in the big VA, I consumed A LOT of food, beer, and wine, watched a lot of football, and played a lot of games (board and card specifically).

The trip was really nice, got to see some of my family, including the infamous little brother who had the nastiest poop diaper EVER, but that's for another day. But, now I'm back in the house and ready to squash some fools and a few games.

I'm getting an early lead on my practice time before things get going because the good ol' Auburn Tigers are suckin' something aweful and I care not to watch them at this moment. C'mon guys, a least score a fucking touchdown.....

So, it appears Burnout Revenge is on the menu for tonight which is fine by me because it's been a while since I kicked Val's ass in something. Not because she's better, but because I was banned and on vacation.... Gonna be good to get back behind the ass kicking wheel.

On a side note, Val is going to come visit around New Years!! w00t for that and can't wait till then!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

To the guy who banned me...

So yesterday I decided that while I was packing to go away from my extremely boring life of work for a bit of vacation during the Thanksgiving season, I wanted to play some XBox Live.  I turned on my 360 and went about cleaning up some while the system loaded and logged me in at the home screen.

I get into a party with some friends and decided to kick it old school with some Burnout Revenge, because Burnout Paradise sucks ass - whole other story.  Come to find out, good buddy Val bought a used copy of the game and the fuck ups at GameStop put Paradise in her Revenge case.  As I said, Paradise blows, so she was very pissed and decided to go back to GameStop and yell at some fools.

I decided to watch some Netflix over Live while I waited for her to get back so I could squash her like racing bug that she is (<3's)

In the middle of watching The Office, I get a message telling me to log back into Live to continue watching my show. I try to log back, it fails, I try again, it fails again. So I go back to the dashboard and try again. This time when I try, I get an error that tells me that I have been banned until thanksgiving Day.

WTF!?!  I haven't played an intense multi player game in 3 days, how can I get banned for a CoC violation?  So I called the XBox Live support and confirmed that they are all legally retarded in 17 countries.  The guy was no help because "apparently" Micro$oft doesn't post the specific violation you have committed.  So, I have been banned and don't know why, but then I got to thinking.

After a phone conversation with Val, we came to the conclusion that it must have been that little shit head fucker we met during a Texas Hold 'em poker game a few days earlier.  This kid was going "All In" on every hand and I said something about it.  Turns out, he had some anger issues and apparently went and told everyone on his friends list to file a complaint against me.  If indeed he did, congratulations guy, you succeeded.

So, according to M$, you can be banned for almost any reason while logged into XBox Live, at any time.  If anyone has any kind of hatred towards you, you run the risk of banishment.  While its only 3 days, and I'm takign vacation so I couldn't play anyways, it's not totally crippling.

Oh, and don't have conversation with broke people.

w00t! I has a blog

I decided it was finally time to break down and grab a blog.  Here it is, and it is magically tasty.